Creative Opps CIO was established in 2020 as a charity giving young people who have faced socio-economic disadvantage access to the tools, networks, and experience that they need to independently achieve their ambitions.
We deliver user-led programmes, designed by and for young people, to support members in creating positive change for themselves and their communities. Whether this be through mentoring, work placements or bespoke individual support, we are here to unlock potential and make a lasting impact on a young person’s life.
Our mission is to teach young people transferable skills relevant to their interests and guide them to successfully navigate their chosen pathways. Our vision is for all young people to understand the power of their creativity and use it to benefit their communities. Our values are Inclusivity, Diversity, Youth Leadership, Reflection, Innovation and Social Impact.
We welcome every opportunity to work with new people on exciting projects. If your organisation works to improve the lives of young people, or is interested in working with us to expand your reach and impact on young people, or if you’re a young person yourself looking for support, please do get in touch via [email protected].
Creative Opps CIO builds upon the work of Creative Opportunities CIC, which was founded in 2014 as a means to facilitate and encourage creativity amongst young Londoners. In 2024 Creative Opportunities CIC was formally dissolved, enabling Creative Opps CIO to consolidate over a decade’s work supporting young people. If you’re interested in the history of Creative Opportunities CIC, please check out this page.